Top tips on arranging a perfect date with a Russian lady in November

Taking your Russian lady on a date is a hugely enjoyable experience, and in November, there are some great things to be doing.
As the weather turns that little bit colder in November, the options available to you in terms of a date with your Russian lady change slightly. You will need to take into account the changing weather, but that doesn’t mean you should stay indoors.

Would you invite me on an autumn date?
Here are some top tips on arranging that perfect date with a Russian lady this November.
Dress for the occasion
While the weather may get cold in November, it’s not cold enough to merit staying indoors – as far as your Russian lady isn’t concerned. Instead, getting out and enjoying some of those amazing autumn colours can be incredibly romantic.
However, whatever you decide to do, make sure that you dress appropriately for the activity. If you’re freezing cold or soaking wet, the enjoyment of both you and your Russian lady will be significantly decreased, so make sure you wrap up warm and pack suitable footwear.
Ask your Russian lady what she enjoys doing
If you’ve not known your Russian lady for long, or it’s the first date, a good idea is to always check what types of things she enjoys doing. For example, if she hates walking, taking that romantic stroll through a park on a chilly Saturday afternoon probably isn’t going to go down very well. Find something she will enjoy and go out and enjoy yourselves.
Be mindful of public holidays
An important thing to keep in mind when you’re planning a date with your Russian lady in November is the public holidays.
The Day of National Unity takes place in early November and is the final public holiday of the year in Russia. Some shops and services will be closed and public spaces may be busier than usual. It’s worth being aware of this just in case it impacts your plans.
Make the most of it
The temperature in parts of Russia during November will get toward zero degrees, and if there are outside activities that you want to do with your Russian lady, it’s probably wise to do them now before winter really hits.
Once November passes, it will be spring before it’s truly warm enough to go outside and enjoy the outdoors again.