Boxing Day: What Do Slavic Singles Prefer to Receive as a Gift

Boxing Day: What Do Slavic Singles Prefer to Receive as a Gift

Your first Christmas with a new date is very special. It’s something that you’ll look back on with fond memories. However, if you’re fairly early on in your relationship then gifts can be a bit of a minefield, particularly with your Slavic single. Christmas is a big part of every culture that celebrates. However, the traditions and the kind of gifts they like to swap can be very different.

Boxing day: What do Slavic singles prefer to receive as a gift

Let’s reach new heights together!

Find Out When Your Slavic Single Used To Swap Presents

Some families in Slavic countries exchange gifts at Christmas. Some choose to continue the tradition of swapping gifts on New Year’s Day instead. Because of this, Boxing Day is the perfect time to swap gifts with your Slavic single.

Consider What You’re Going To Buy

If you’re looking for the perfect gift to give a Slavic single for Christmas, the best idea might be to keep it light hearted. One of the most popular gifts to give is alcohol. Choosing a good wine or a nice spirit are great options. This is a great opportunity to show that you’ve been listening to her talking as well because you could buy the type of alcohol that she’s mentioned.

Boxing day: What do Slavic singles prefer to receive as a gift

I’m waiting for a letter from you!

Go The Extra Mile

Slavic singles often receive flowers or chocolates so sending these could be a little unimaginative. However, you can turn your uninspired gift into something special if you pay attention to the kind of things she likes. Just send her the kind of flowers or chocolates she was talking about. She will be happy even with these small presents.

Flowers have different meanings, as do the colours, in a lot of Slavic cultures so make sure you do your research. Additionally, in a lot of Slavic cultures it’s customary to send an odd number of flowers, as even numbers are usually reserved for funerals.

Buy Your Slavic Single Something That Smells Sweet

Perfume is also a common gift to give Slavic singles, as most Slavic women like to own and wear multiple different scents. If you feel like you know her well enough then buying a clothing item like a scarf or shawl could be a brilliant option.

One of the things you should avoid buying is jewellery. Slavic singles are often very selective when choosing jewellery. It’s seen as a personal choice in many Slavic cultures that should be picked out by the woman herself. If you really do want to buy her jewellery then ask her to pick out a few items that she likes and surprise her from the options. Good luck!