Best thing to tell your Ukrainian woman to conquer her heart

Speaking the language of love with your Ukrainian woman can help you to win her heart, but what should you say to make sure you really make a lasting impression?
When you find your perfect Ukrainian woman, you will want to do all that you can to make sure you keep her. Treating her well and with respect goes a long way, as do romance and gifts. But if you really want to conquer her heart, then you need to know the right things to say.
Knowing what to say and how to say it,especially given the language differences, can be tough. But, don’t fear, we’veput together a small guide which offers you some of the best things to tellyour Ukrainian woman to conquer her heart.
They are as follows:
Give her compliments
One way to get the attention of your Ukrainian woman and show her that you’re thinking about her and wanting to impress her is to pay her compliments regularly. It’s important that those compliments are genuine and do not come across as being over-the-top or cheap. Instead, compliment her when the time is right. When you do so, look into her eyes and make sure you mean it.
Compliments can be just about anything. Great places to start include telling her how great she looks, how beautiful her eyes are or how being with her makes you really happy. These types of things will likely melt her heart and certainly get things moving in the right direction.
Tell her what she means to you – be persistent!
A Ukrainian woman will react well to a man who is persistent in showing his feelings towards her. She may even have tested you in trying to gauge how serious your intentions are, and by consistently affirming your admiration and interest in her, you are probably going to make her feel loved and as a result very happy. The key is to make her feel genuinely wanted and loved. If you can do that, then you’re going to find yourrelationship developing very nicely indeed.
Ask her to marry you
If you really want to conquer the heart of your Ukrainian woman, and you’re in a position in your relationship where you think it’s suitable to do so, then asking her to marry you will be the ultimate in heart-melting moments for it. Make sure you mean it and you’re entirely genuine though – and that your relationship is at a point where it’s a natural progression.