The 8th of March – what does this day mean for Russian women?

March 8th is an officially recognized public holiday in Russia and is known as the International Women’s Day. This is a special day for Russian women and is similar to how Mother’s Day is celebrated in the West. Although this is a multinational celebration, families in the West do not tend to celebrate March 8th and it is not recognized as such a special and important occasion as it is in Russia. International Women’s Day is a celebration of all Russian women and allows men and children to recognize the hard work, efforts, and love that they receive from the Russian women in their life.

Meet your best lady this spring!
The celebration aims to commemorate the struggle that women have endured throughout history to access the same rights as men and to demonstrate gratitude for the efforts and role that they play in contemporary life. Russian women are recognized as being some of the strongest, versatile and beautiful ladies in the world and so this day is an excellent way for their passion and achievements to be marked. For those who have met a Russian woman through an online dating site, International Women’s Day is an ideal chance to show your affections, appreciations, and commitment to understanding her heritage. Engage in conversation about what the date means to her and how she will celebrate and be assured that your interest and efforts will be greatly received.
Russian women tend to celebrate International Women’s Day with their family and closest friends. This public holiday is usually enjoyed in the comforts of the home and marked by the giving of gifts, cards, and affections to Russian women. By way of allowing Russian ladies to relax on this day, many husbands and sons will take over domestic duties and clean the home, cook special meals or bake treats for the ladies in their life. International Women’s Day is a public holiday and this means that everyone enjoys a day off work but colleagues of Russian women also take the opportunity to show appreciation to their coworkers and often give a small gift, card or flowers to their female peers.
Russian women enjoy March 8th – the most expected spring holiday
March 8th is also recognized as a prime entertainment day and so many singers, dancers and entertainment groups organize displays and performances to encourage a celebratory mood and to give thanks to the Russian women that support, develop and encourage the success of their country. Some employers will even arrange a small gathering or office party to ensure that their Russian women feel special and important before they go home to their family celebrations.
For those using an online dating site who have met a Russian woman and would like to send a gift or help celebrate March 8th, it is customary to present Russian women with candies or chocolates. Your online dating site may offer a gift giving service and this enables you to send a present to your Russian bride without either of you having to give a personal address. For more original gift ideas, some Russian women receive items such as perfumes, clothes, shoes, flowers, books and ornaments. Any gesture that you make is sure to be gratefully received and demonstrate your interest in your Russian woman’s culture and daily life.