The Pros and Cons of Online Dating with Your Mobile Device

The advancement in technology in recent years has made online dating easier and more accessible than ever before, but what about when it comes to your mobile device?
In recent years, the number of people using online dating websites has grown significantly. It’s never been easier or quicker to jump online and begin looking for love with thousands of like-minded people.
Key to this trend has been the mobile device, or ‘smartphone’. Mobiles have come a long way since the early 2000s. Today, hi-resolution colour screens, amazing sound quality and super-quick data connections means that communicating and using the internet has never been more accessible.
Unsurprisingly, many people who go online dating use their mobile devices a lot for this. So, what are the pros and cons of online dating with a mobile?
- Online dating anywhere – one of the biggest benefits of online dating is that you can do it just about anywhere with a mobile device. Whether you’re at home on the sofa or perhaps on the train going to work, whatever your location is highly likely that you can pop your smartphone out of your pocket and use a dating platform to find love.
- Use dating websites at any time – similarly, you can go online dating whenever you like with a mobile device. Traditionally, you may have been limited to dating websites when you were at home so that you could use your computer, but with a smartphone, you can now get into online dating while out at work, on a lunch break, waiting for a taxi. Actually, you can do it anytime!
Notifications in your pocket – another amazing thing about using a mobile device is that your notifications, such as messages or video chats, will be delivered into your pocket. You can have notifications turned on as well so you don’t even have to go logging in to your email.
- Accessible for many – thanks to the lower prices for many mobile devices, online dating may never have been as accessible as it is today.
- Smaller screen size – while mobile devices are super-convenient for online dating, if you want to enjoy a video chat or look at profile photos in detail, then a larger screen on something like a tablet or a laptop is probably better.
- Limited privacy when using in public – if you’re using your mobile to go online dating in a public area, then you’re not quite as private as you would be using other methods.
- May not feel as personal – online dating on a mobile device when you’re out and about may also not feel quite as personal as it would if you were on a computer at home.