What role does fashion play in the life of Russian women?

Russia has seen a huge uplift in the importance of fashion over the past ten years, and for Russian women, fashion has become an integral part of daily life.
On first thought, Russia may not be the first place in the world you think of when someone mentions fashion, however, the emerging growth of the fashion industry in Moscow and across the country has become a key part of life for Russian women.

Do you think I’m beautiful?
The country is now seen as an important player in the fashion world, with Russian Fashion Week now taking place each year, sponsored by multinational corporations such as Mercedes-Benz, and attracting the world’s top models.
It’s often mentioned in the same breath as the corresponding shows in New York, Milan, and London, and for Russian women, it’s a real statement of how important it is to look good. While 2017 was actually its 34th year, it’s bigger and more significant now than ever before. Column inches in magazines around the world will be dedicated to covering Russian Fashion Week.
The greater exposure of fashion in Russia has certainly worked its way to women across the country, and dressing to impress is now seen as being vitally important.
The term “fashion” is obviously very far-reaching, and so like everywhere else in the world, it is broken down into different areas of importance for Russian women.
Professional and working life of Russian women
Women have become powerful and ambitious career people in Russia over the last decade, something that was perhaps previously more of a male thing. Being successful is important, and looking good at work is equally so. Russian women will aim to dress to impress for the office, ensuring they look feminine yet professional, beautiful but practical.
This does not always mean that the clothes will be expensive and straight off the catwalk, however, they will make an impression. Women want to be seen as being at the forefront of business, and dressing in any way that does not help portray this is not an option.

Fashion is my passion!
Outside of work, Russian women will let their hair down, so to speak, and things will become a little more relaxed. Whether they are going shopping with friends or catching up over a coffee in a boutique caf?, Russsian women will still aim to look at their best when socializing. Again, it won’t be too dressy but expect outfits that look attractive while accentuating their figure.
When attending special functions or parties, Russian women will go all-out in an attempt to ensure their outfit is on point. Trends will be followed and outfits will match those at parties in the western world, boasting high-quality fabrics, precision cuts, and stunning all-round outfits.