BeHappy2Day Blog
Online Dating for Beginners: Best Tips

For a lot of us, online dating can be a scary prospect and numerous questions will run through our minds like Will anyone like my profile? If someone doesn’t reply to me does this mean they don’t like me? Are my photos okay? How do I go about the first message? It isn’t just you…
Read moreTop Five Reasons to Search for Russian Singles

Today, plenty of Russian singles decide to move abroad and try online dating and video chat in hopes to have a serious relationship with the men from Western countries. If you are like many of thousands of men looking for love with Russian women look no further as our Russian dating service is unlike the…
Read moreStereotypes about Russian girls, in which you shouldn’t believe

There are lots of stereotypes surrounding Russian girls and people tend to have differing views about girls from this area. Hopefully, by browsing through our online dating site you will come to realize that none of these stereotypes are true. Some people think that Russian girls are quite masculine as some literature and movies show…
Read moreHow to surprise a Russian girl with the ideal date?

Searching for a Russian girl through online dating services can be a scary prospect, you’re putting yourself out there on the line and you might well meet Russian brides whom you may end up falling in love with and marrying. While searching through the girls on the site and making initial contact with them might…
Read moreWhat is the perfect man for a Russian woman like?

When online dating, a Russian woman generally knows the type of man she’s looking for before she’s met him. A lot of us know what appeals to us in a partner and seek out a person who meets these ideals. Russian women who register on our site are open as mail order brides, and this…
Read moreHow to capture the heart of a Russian lady?

When it comes to winning over a Russian lady, there are many ways you can do so in order to be sure that you capture her heart, and keep it forever! The key is to make sure that you always act gentlemanly and treat your Russian lady the way that she deserves to be treated –…
Read more2way Live Video Chat: How to Impress Her

Dating online can be an amalgamation of communication concerns, trust worries and nervous interactions and many online dating sites recognize this and offer services to ease your worries. Through using live online video chat, you and your Russian lady will be able to communicate directly, so you can be sure that you are interacting with…
Read moreOvercoming Distance Barrier With Russian Women

Dating online can introduce several obstacles and dating Russian women in this way inevitably brings additional barriers to overcome. However, the rewards of online dating with Russian women quickly make any difficulties worthwhile and understanding the best ways to overcome such barriers can eliminate any unnecessary problems. One of the best ways to overcome distance…
Read moreMarch 8th: What Russian Ladies Like to Receive

The 8th of March in Russia marks International Women’s Day and is a day to celebrate Russian ladies and women from across the world whilst recognizing their fight for women’s rights. The celebration is a public holiday in Russia and provides the perfect opportunity for Russian ladies to be appreciated and men buy gifts in…
Read more5 Reasons Ukrainian Brides Refer to Dating Sites

The use of online dating sites and dating agencies for women across the world continues to grow and is securing itself as the preferred way for women to meet new partners. The romance industry throughout Ukraine is booming as local and foreign men seek to meet their perfect Ukrainian brides in a safe and enjoyable…
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