Do’s and Dont’s When Dating a Ukrainian Woman

Do’s and Dont’s When Dating a Ukrainian Woman

With your eyes set on a beautiful Ukrainian woman and thinking how to conquer
her heart
, it is important to realize that there is a difference in culture and so what might work out great with an American woman may not when dating Ukrainian women.

Ukrainian ladies usually value their family and traditions over all else. They’re faithful and devoted to those they care about and due to their strong family ties will not likely be willing to leave their homeland to marry
a foreigner without some real interest!

With this in mind, if you’re looking to date one of the fine Ukrainian women out there, you should keep the following in mind in order to ensure a great time.

Do’s of Dating a Ukrainian Woman

Put Effort into Your Presentation

As with most any woman, presentation and how you dress is an important thing to consider when dating Ukrainian women. It’s important that you dress neat and your clothes are well-fitting. You don’t have to be the most handsome gentleman in the room but the effort needs to be put into looking good and showing that you care about your appearance.

Show Generosity

It is still the tradition in Ukraine that men typically fit the bill when dining out at a restaurant. Ukrainian girls value courtesy and chivalry and things such as paying for meals and events all highlight these qualities. Avoid asking your date to split the bill or pay for their own ticket to a show as this will be looked down upon and may end up being a deal-breaker for her!

man paying the restaurant bill and showing generosity

Dont’s of Dating a Ukrainian Woman

Don’t Reach Out Until 2 Weeks before Planning a Trip

If you are planning a trip to Ukraine to date one of these amazing women, it is important that you hold off on reaching out and blasting them with messages until at least 2 weeks before your trip. Ukrainian women end up with a lot of letters of love from men the whole world over and don’t take most promises seriously.

2 weeks is enough time to make introductions and built a rapport while feeling each other out, any more than that and she will likely become impatient.

Not Reading Up on Ukrainian Culture and Current Events

Cultural pride is strong with most Ukrainian women and if you don’t show some knowledge and interest in her culture and the current events surrounding her area, she may lose interest. You need to show real interest in the culture of Ukraine and it’ll do dividends to learn some of her language as it shows you’re into her culture and lifestyle.

Find Success with your Ukrainian Date

When dating a Ukrainian woman, it is important that you acknowledge the different cultural backgrounds you two have and realize that what works when dating a local lady may not be so effective with your date. Take these few dating tips to heart and you’ll likely find better success on your next Ukrainian date!