Best autumn activities worth doing with your Ukrainian wife

With autumn fast approaching, you will need to think hard how to impress your Ukrainian wife and show the continued love and interest that you feel. Here is a guide to some of the best ways to spend your time with your Ukrainian woman this autumn.
Go for a long walk with your Ukrainian wife
Autumn is a beautiful time to be out in the open air – and there are so many places to visit. Your Ukrainian wife will love her trip to Lviv or Chernivtsi or maybe choose Ternopil or Odesa. All these places offer an exciting experience that will enliven your relationship and bring back the romance.
Maybe it is an opportunity to take the kids out and about, for a family event. There is nothing like the crisp autumn air and leaves for some wonderful exploration of this beautiful country. You could even pack a picnic – or organize a nature scavenger hunt. The way to a Ukrainian woman’s heart is through her children – make them happy, provide them with memories, and you will be onto a winner!
Fancy a Festival
If walking sedately through a beautiful landscape is not for you, then maybe some fun times at the festivals is your thing. Your Ukrainian bride will be sure to appreciate the effort you put into research and organizing this trip away.
For much of September, there is GoGolFest, for instance. This is a presentation of the best of modern Ukrainian and world art. This would be a powerful and moving shared experience, for you and your Ukrainian wife. The pictures showcase some of the greatest talents in the country.

Meet your love this autumn!
Alternatively, you might try the Lviv coffee festival, where you can try many blends of coffee – whilst enjoying some outstanding entertainment. Or, better still, take her to the Chocolate Holiday event in October. All visitors get free chocolate – and this is a sure and certain way of keeping your Ukrainian wife happy!
Stay in and cuddle
Sometimes doing nothing is better than doing lots. Maybe as the days get colder you can take the time to sit together in front of the fire, with a warming drink, and just enjoy each other’s company. Maybe you can make a commitment to your Ukrainian wife this autumn to get to know her better and to enjoy those characteristics that meant you fell in love in the first place.