Best tips how to stay confident when dating online

Confidence is without doubt one of the most attractive qualities that a man can have, and so here are our best tips of how to stay confident when dating online.

Are you my strong man?
Start with a strong profile
The success of coming across as confident in dating online starts with your profile. When dating online, women will look at many profiles. If you reach out and send them a message, you can rest assured that the first thing they will do is check your profile. So, avoid the use of things like “fun loving”, “outgoing” or writing bios that start with “I’m not great at talking about myself”. If you do use these types of phrases, you will blend in to the rest and just not excite your potential love matches, nor will you grab their attention. In fact, this screams that you’re not at all confident in yourself.
Be honest when dating online
This one may seem strange, but don’t tell lies in your online dating profile or exaggerate too much. Women love men who are confident in themselves and comfortable with who they are. If you tell a pack of lies and then start talking to women on an online dating website, only to reveal that things were not true, it will come across as being severely lacking in confidence. If you’re not happy and confident with who you are, nobody else will be.
Be assertive

Would you like to date me?
So you’ve managed to get talking to the woman of your dreams, great! A confident person will, from here, assume that if they are talking to a woman that she likes him and is interested in taking things further. A man lacking in confidence will do the opposite, and be unsure and quizzical about whether the woman is interested. If you’re talking to a lady on an online dating website, you should assume they are interested.
Don’t force the issue
For those who lack confidence, it can be easy to spot when dating online. They will seek to move the relationship forward, look or ask for reassurances from their partner and simply come across as not being very comfortable in who they are or what they’re looking to get from a relationship. A confident partner will however come across totally differently. They will be relaxed and allow the relationship to progress and unfold organically.
They won’t push their partner for commitment or rush decisions, and instead will be totally comfortable allowing things to progress at the natural pace. This shows an assurance about who they are, and a confidence that their lady is genuinely interested in them. Allow your relationship to shape itself as you talk and interact, you’ll also come across much less pushy!
Don’t be arrogant or overly confident
Despite everything we have said, you can still be overly confident and bordering on arrogant when dating online. In simple terms, you need to be yourself and be confident in being that person. Do not come across overly brash as you could lose that dream lady before you’ve even got started.